You have no friends. Dogs hate you. Cats hate you.
But do you know who loves you,
and will never leave your side?
Your new USB Pet Rock of the FUTURE!
Only $9.99 and you'll have a friend!
Return of a Classic
- A modern version of the 1970s pet rock
- Plug-n-play: Just plug it into your USB port
- No feed or care needed, draws no power
Simply plug the USB cable into a free port and let the fun begin. The USB Pet Rock will instantly begin to work its magic. People will stop by and ask you what your USB Pet Rock does. Each time, you can make up a new story; for no matter what you say, it will be greater than the truth - because these USB Pet Rocks don't do a dang thing. Except make you smile. And confuse your friends and coworkers, which will make you smile even more. So, get your USB Pet Rock today, and help make us rich tomorrow.
Here's why you need a USB Pet Rock now:
- They make a great gift for everyone we can think of.
- They don't need food or water.
- They don't chew on your stuff.
- They will make you instantly cool.
- They never talk back to you.
- They will forever love you in their own rocky way.
- They are the greenest USB products ever created, as they draw absolutely no electricity.
- They are compatible with Windows (7 and lower); Mac (all OS's); Linux; and all other past, present, and future operating systems - no drivers needed!
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